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The Application Regarding the Acquisition of the Full Control of Dosu Maya Mayacilik A.Ş. by Lesaffre et Compaigne (Özmaya) Put under Final Examination 24.4.2014
The application regarding the acquisition by Lesaffre et Compaigne (Özmaya) of the full control of Dosu Maya Mayacılık A.Ş., controlled by Yıldız Holding A.Ş., was put under final examination with the decision of the Competition Board dated 09.04.2014 and numbered 14-14/252-M.As it is known, the Competition Board is in charge of monitoring mergers and/or acquisitions which would result in significant lessening of competition in markets according to article 7 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection...
Investigation concerning Coca Cola Satış Dağıtım A.Ş. Initiated 20.3.2014
The Competition Board concluded the preliminary inquiry conducted depending on the claim that certain points in several regions in Turkey, especially in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Antalya, made exclusive agreements with Coca Cola Satış Dağıtım A.Ş.After discussing the information, documents and findings acquired in the preliminary inquiry in its meeting of 26.02.2014, the Board considered that the findings were significant and sufficient, and took the decision numbered 14-08/160-M that an i...
The Application Concerning the Partial Acquisition by THY OPET of the right of property of the Assets belonging to Mobil Türk, which are the subject of the Aviation Operation Agreement 20.3.2014
The Competition Board initiated a final examination, with its decision dated 26.02.2014 and numbered 14-08/156-M, concerning the application for the acquisition by THY OPET Havacılık Yakıtları A.Ş. of 25% right of property of Mobil Oil Türk A.Ş.'s assets subject to "the Aviation Operation Agreement for Aircraft Refueling in Airports in Turkey".As it is known, the Competition Board is in charge of monitoring mergers and/or acquisitions which would result in significant lessening of competition in...
Investigation concerning 20 Driving Courses in Aksaray Concluded 20.3.2014
Investigation conducted to find whether driving courses in Aksaray violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 by colluding to establish a pool system and fix driving course fees was concluded.The investigation was initiated after the preliminary inquiry about the claim that the said driving courses established a pool system and applied the same prices. At the investigation phase, it was found that between 2008 and 2013 driving courses made agreements, published price lists, established a pool system...
Turkish Competition Authority Awarded in the Contest by the World Bank 6.3.2014
The winners of 2013 Competition Advocacy Contest organized by the World Bank were announced. The World Bank announced the winners of the awards given under three themes in the 2013 Competition Advocacy Contest. The Contest was organized in order to raise awareness of the efforts by competition agencies throughout the World in promoting competition.Competition advocacy activities conducted by competition authorities for promoting a competitive environment by means of non-enforcement mechanisms, s...
Motion Picture Services Market Examination Launched 26.2.2014
With the Competition Board decision dated 17.11.2011 and numbered 11-57/1473-539, the merger between two movie theater chains with significant shares in the Turkish motion picture services market was authorized, provided that a number of commitments were fulfilled (The AFM/Mars Decision). In addition there is a chance that the digitalization process we are witnessing in the motion picture industry in Turkey will affect and transform the competitive conditions in the market.It was decided to laun...
Competition Authority published the 2013 Mergers-Acquisitions Outlook Report 24.2.2014
According to the report, in 2013 a total of 213 mergers and acquisitions were notified to the Competition Authority. It was determined that in 141 of these transactions, the target company or the joint venture established was a company founded in accordance with Turkish laws. 19 privatization transactions were assessed by the Authority. Within the same time period, for the transactions where the target company or the joint venture established is a company founded in Accordance with Turkish laws,...
2014 Competition Letter Has Been Published 24.2.2014
The main theme of the sixth Competition Letter published with the signature of the President of the Competition Board Prof. Dr. Nurettin KALDIRIMCI is "the relationship between competition policy and non-governmental organizations/associations of undertakings."As known, the existence, good management and vision of non-governmental organizations and associations of undertakings are accepted as indicators of a developed country, democracy and quality of life.Based on this "modern fact," this year'...
Investigation concerning Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. Concluded 3.2.2014
Investigation conducted to find whether Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. (TTAŞ) violated the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition by setting the retail tariffs for end users below the wholesale tariffs for long distance telephone service operators was concluded. The investigation started after 13th Chamber of the Council of State annulled the Board decision dated 11.09.2008 and numbered 08-52/792-321 concerning the same issue.  The Board decision in question concluded that TTAŞ's wholesale and...
Investigation on the 14 Bakeries Operating in the Didim Province of Aydın Concluded 3.2.2014
The investigation, which was conducted in order to determine whether bakeries operating in the Didim district of the Aydın province violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition by fixing bread sales prices for bread, was concluded.The investigation was initiated on 18.07.2013, in response to an information received claiming that the bakeries in question conspired to eliminate competition in bread prices.During the investigation phase, the 14 undertakings under investiga...