Free Trade Agreements (FTA) are bilateral agreements that countries make to improve trade by removing the barriers in front of trade reciprocally. In this way, producers in the countries party to the agreement can compete at equal terms and parties’ international competition power of the increases.
One of the issues discussed in FTA negotiations made under the coordination of Ministry of Economy is competition. Turkish Competition Authority carries out the negotiations in respect of competition on behalf of our country. Competition Authority tries to ensure that the part of FTAs related to competition is compatible with domestic as well as international competition rules. In FTA negotiations made in respect of competition, both the text of OECD on recommendations about cooperation in competition inquiries, published in 2014 and other FTAs are taken into condideration.
As of 2015, the number of countries/country groups that signed FTAs with Turkey is 17 and there are 14 countries/country groups with which negotiations are in progress. Moreover, there are initiatives to commence FTA negotiations with 10 countries/country groups. For detailed information, please visit the website of the Ministry of Economy.