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Investigation concerning Coca Cola Satış Dağıtım A.Ş. Concluded 12.3.2015
The investigation conducted to find whether Coca Cola Satış Dağıtım A.Ş. violated articles 4 and 6 of the Act no 4054 by means of practices towards exclusivity was concluded.The investigation was initiated as a result of the preliminary inquiry made related to the claims that Coca Cola Satış Dağıtım A.Ş. made exclusive agreements with some points in various cities in Turkey, especially in İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Bursa and Antalya. At the investigation phase, the issues such as whether Coca Cola...
2014 Mergers-Acquisitions Overview Report Published 25.2.2015
The total number of merger and acquisition transactions notified to the Competition Authority in 2014 was 215. In 122 of these transactions, the target company or the joint venture established is a company founded in accordance with Turkish laws. Within the same time period, 18 privatization transactions have been evaluated.Among the mergers and acquisitions examined by the Competition Authority in 2014, for those where the target company or the joint venture is based in Turkey the total transac...
Investigation initiated about General Directorate of State Airports Authority 20.2.2015
As a result of the decision of Ankara 9th Administrative Court, the Competition Board reevaluated the complaint that General Directorate of State Airports Authority (DHMI) abused its dominant position by discriminating among tenants with respect to slot allocation in airports.The investigation concerning the said complaint examined slot allocation tariffs by DHMI and it was decided on 24.04.2012 with the number 12-21/561-159 that DHMI did not abused its dominant position by discriminating among ...
No amendments to the turnover thresholds in the Communiqué no 2010/4 20.2.2015
Article 7(1) of the Communiqué no 2010/4 Concerning the Mergers and Acquisitions Calling for the Authorization of the Competition Board (the Communiqué no 2010/4) titled "mergers or acquisitions subject to authorization" specifies the turnover amounts (thresholds) for assets or activities of the parties to the acquisition or the merger calling for the authorization of the Board, which are subject to transfer. According to the second paragraph of the said article, the thresholds shall be re-estab...
2015 Competition Letter Published 19.2.2015
2015 Competition Letter has been published with the signature of the President of the Competition Authority Prof. Dr. Nurettin KALDIRIMCI. The main theme of "2015 Competition Letter", the seventh of the Competition Letters, which have been published since 2009, is "the role of the media in the development of competition culture".In the Letter, which is addressed to the executives and members of the media, President KALDIRIMCI underlines that the media, which is often described as the "fourth pow...
Hearing for the Investigation concerning Coca Cola Satış Dağıtım A.Ş. to be Held on March 03, 2015 2.2.2015
The investigation which was conducted in order to determine whether Coca Cola Satış Dağıtım A.Ş. violated articles 4 and 6 of the Act no 4054 reached the hearing stage. The hearing concerning the undertaking in question will be held on Tuesday, March 03, 2015, at 11:00 am.In accordance with the "Communiqué on Hearings Held before the Competition Board", third parties who wish to attend the meeting should apply to the Competition Authority together with a petition including the information and d...
Cooperation Protocol signed between Energy Market Regulatory Authority and Turkish Competition Authority 2.2.2015
As known, within the scope of the Act no 4646 on Natural Gas Market, the Act no 5015 on Petroleum Market, the Act no 5307 on Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) Market, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) and within the scope of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition, the Competition Authority has duties and powers for the functioning of markets for electricity, natural gas, petroleum and liquefied petroleum gases in a competitive environment.Within this framework, a Cooperation Prot...
The Scope of the Cooperation Protocol between the Competition Authority and Information and Communications Technology Authority Extended 2.2.2015
As known, within the scope of the Act no 5809 on Electronic Communication; Information and Communications Technology Authority and according to the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition, the Competition Authority has duties and responsibilities for the the establishment, development and protection of competition in electronic communication sector.As shared with the public before, the protocol prepared to increase efficiency in cooperation and cooperation between the two Authorities was si...
Competition Board Completed the Electricity Wholesale Market and Retail Market Sector Inquiry 2.2.2015
Turkish electricity market is going through a difficult liberalization process towards a competitive market. This process, which picked up speed in 2001 with the entry into force of the Electricity Market Law no 4628, has moved to another stage with the Electricity Market Law no 6446 that was put into force in 2013.To help achieve the goal of a competitive market design, Competition Board conducted a sector inquiry into the wholesale and retail electricity markets in order to make contributions...
Investigation concerning Turkish Airlines Concluded 22.1.2015
The investigation to establish whether Turkish Airlines (THY) violated article 6 of the Act no 4054 by means of exclusionary conduct against its competitor on international and domestic airline passenger transportation routes from Istanbul was concluded.The investigation started after Ankara 11th Administrative Court annulled the Board decision dated 30.12.2011 and numbered 11-65/1692-599 concerning the same issue. In the annulled decision, the Board concluded with respect to the claims that, it...