Turkish Competition Authority Awarded in the Contest by the World Bank (6.3.2014)

The winners of 2013 Competition Advocacy Contest organized by the World Bank were announced. The World Bank announced the winners of the awards given under three themes in the 2013 Competition Advocacy Contest. The Contest was organized in order to raise awareness of the efforts by competition agencies throughout the World in promoting competition.

Competition advocacy activities conducted by competition authorities for promoting a competitive environment by means of non-enforcement mechanisms, such as bilateral relationships with governmental entities and increasing public awareness of the benefits of competition are assuming more and more importance among other activities of competition authorities.

This year competition advocacy activities were selected worthy of awards for each of the following themes: "Successfully promoting pro-competition market reforms, opening of markets, and infusion of competition principles in other sectoral policies", "Assessing the potential negative effects of certain rules and regulations on the market and informing policy makers and public authorities" and "Raising awareness of private sector stakeholders and empowering consumers to deter anticompetitive behavior".

Turkish Competition Authority participated to the Contest with "2013 Competition Report on Public Interventions from a Competition Policy Perspective", which discusses public interventions from a competition policy perspective taking into account the reasons, tools and risks of such interventions and was awarded honorable mention for the theme "Assessing the potential negative effects of certain rules and regulations on the market and informing policy makers and public authorities”.

Click here for the contribution drawing a general framework of 2013 Competition Report submitted by Competition Expert Erdem Aktekin on behalf of Turkish Competition Authority.