The Scope of the Cooperation Protocol between the Competition Authority and Information and Communications Technology Authority Extended (2.2.2015)

As known, within the scope of the Act no 5809 on Electronic Communication; Information and Communications Technology Authority and according to the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition, the Competition Authority has duties and responsibilities for the the establishment, development and protection of competition in electronic communication sector.

As shared with the public before, the protocol prepared to increase efficiency in cooperation and cooperation between the two Authorities was signed by the presidents of the Authorities and put into effect on 02.11.2011.

The said Protocol regulates the mechanisms to increase the cooperation between the Authorities, which is intended to be made more efficient in the future and in particular issues such as "Information Exchange", "Taking Opinion" and "Coordination and Cooperation".

After the adoption of the Act no 6475 on Postal Services, Information and Communications Technology Authority was granted new duties related to the regulation of postal services and the Cooperation Protocol was extended to cover that amendment. The new protocol was signed by the Presidents of the Authorities and put into effect on January 22, 2015

Respectfully submitted for the information of the public.

Click here for the Protocol (in Turkish)