Mergers and Acquisitions notified to the Authority shall be announced to the public (27.12.2012)

Article 12 of the Communiqué no 2010/4 states that notified merger and acquisition transactions shall be announced on the website of the Authority and, to this purpose, a list of up-to-date merger and acquisition notifications are added to the lower right section of the homepage (Turkish only). Those who wish to present information, documents or opinion concerning the merger and acquisition transactions included within the list will be able to present information on the relevant transactions via the channels of communication specified in the aforementioned section or by filling the electronic application form. For the evaluation of the information and documents on the notified transactions presented via mail, they must include the relevant file number, the name/title and contact information of those providing the information, as well as the Republic of Turkey ID Number for real persons. Personal information of those requesting anonymity for their application shall not be shared with the parties to the transaction or with third parties.