Investigation initiated concerning Unilever San. ve Tic. Türk A.Ş. and Advertising Self-Regulatory Board (6.11.2014)

The Competition Board reevaluated the application about the claim that Fermet Gıda Ürünleri San. ve Tic. A.Ş.'s advertisements were terminated as a result of the decision of Advertising Self-Regulatory Board under the influence of Unilever San. ve Tic. Türk A.Ş.

The preliminary inquiry previously made about the said complaint examined whether Unilever San. ve Tic. Türk A.Ş. and Advertising Self-Regulatory Board, jointly or individually, complicated the activities of competitors, and a decision dated 13.06.2013 and numbered 13-36/470-236 was taken to reject the complaint and not to initiate an investigation. However, as a result of the action brought by the complainant, the Ankara 10th Administrative Court annulled the Board decision in question.

Consequently, discussing the information and documents in the file in its meeting dated 01.10.2014, the Board decided to initiate an investigation concerning Unilever San. ve Tic. Türk A.Ş. and Advertising Self-Regulatory Board according to article 41 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition.

As it is known, article 6 of the Act no 4054 prohibits abuse of dominant position and the investigation was initiated in order to determine whether the Act was violated in this respect.

*Investigation decisions taken by the Competition Board are announced to the public following the notification of the decision to the undertakings or associations of undertakings under investigation. Those announcements, which are made within the framework of informing the public about the decisions of the Competition Board, cannot be interpreted to mean that the undertakings or associations of undertakings about which the investigation is opened have violated the Act no 4054, or they are or will be subject to penal sanctions under the Act.