Hajj and Umrah Travel Agencies Association added to the investigation conducted about Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (4.11.2019)

The Competition Board took the decision dated 27.06.2019 and numbered 19-23/360-M to initiate an investigation whether the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB) violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 by means of its practices and decisions related to allocation of hajj quotas and determining warrants of agencies making hajj organizations.

In line with the information and documents obtained within the scope of the analyses made within the scope of the investigation about TURSAB, concerns that Hajj and Umrah Travel Agencies Association (HURSAD) might have had a determinant effect have rised. Thus, in its meeting of 11.10.2019,  The Competition Board took the decision numbered 119-35/521-M that an investigation shall be initiated about HURSAD and this investigation shall be combined with the investigation initiated according to the Board decision dated 27.06.2019 and numbered 19-23/360-M.


*Investigation decisions taken by the Competition Board are announced to the public following the notification of the decision to the undertakings or associations of undertakings about which an investigation has been initiated. Those announcements are made within the framework of informing the public about the decisions of the Competition Board and cannot be interpreted to mean that the undertakings or associations of undertakings about which an investigation has been initiated have violated the Act no. 4054, or they are or will be subject to penal sanctions under the Act.