The second "Symposium on Competition Board and the Relevant Court Decisions," organized jointly by the Competition Authority and the Banking and Trade Law Research Institute, will be held on November 25, 2011.
Speakers to present their papers in the symposium will be selected by the Selection Committee, from among researchers who send their studies prepared in accordance with the following rules.
The basic rules the researchers must follow are listed below:
1. The symposium will last one day, and the presentation of one invited speaker and three selected papers is planned.
2. It is important that the board decisions selected as the subject of the paper are finalized with no actions filed against the decision, or in case of an action, at least a decision is made by the 13th Chamber of the Council of State based on the merits.
3. Draft papers to be prepared in at least 10 pages must be sent to the following address, both in writing and on a CD, until October 3, 2011 at the latest. Care must be taken to ensure that the final versions of the papers do not exceed 40 pages. 4. Selection Committee will be comprised of academics, members of the Competition Authority and practitioners. The assessment of the Selection committee is planned to be completed until October 15, 2011, depending on the number of papers.
5. Draft papers submitted shall be selected by the selection committee with attention being paid to whether the same or a similar subject was presented at a symposium before, the topicality of the subject of the paper, the importance of the paper in terms of competition law practice, and ensuring that the papers to be presented do not have the same content.
6. Finalized versions of the papers to be presented must be submitted by November 1, 2011 at the latest.
7. The papers and discussions presented at the symposium will be published in the form of a book. Owners of the presented papers shall be considered to have given their consent for the publication of their papers.
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