2015 Competition Letter Published (19.2.2015)

2015 Competition Letter has been published with the signature of the President of the Competition Authority Prof. Dr. Nurettin KALDIRIMCI. The main theme of "2015 Competition Letter", the seventh of the Competition Letters, which have been published since 2009, is "the role of the media in the development of competition culture".

In the Letter, which is addressed to the executives and members of the media, President KALDIRIMCI underlines that the media, which is often described as the "fourth power" is a strategic opportunity and a factor in increasing the life quality.

While the letter suggests that an economy with competitive strength that prioritize consumer welfare and economic freedom is possible if a competitive system is established, socialized and institutionalized, it also points out that the attitude of media undertakings to the concept of competitive market in terms of competition law, business ethics, social responsibility and efficiency may create socially important results

Emphasizing the importance of the media for the efficiency of social communication towards the creation of a fair and competitive understanding based on merit, President KALDIRIMCI states that "the media is not only one of our important shareholders but also a strategic partner with its undeniable and unsubstituted role in reaching our other shareholders."

President KALDIRIMCI wishes that the letter will not be considered only a text reflecting institutional opinion but an invitation to strengthen the cooperation between the Competition Authority and media members, to receive their valuable criticisms and advice. Click here for the full text of the Letter.