2014 Competition Letter Has Been Published (24.2.2014)

The main theme of the sixth Competition Letter published with the signature of the President of the Competition Board Prof. Dr. Nurettin KALDIRIMCI is "the relationship between competition policy and non-governmental organizations/associations of undertakings."

As known, the existence, good management and vision of non-governmental organizations and associations of undertakings are accepted as indicators of a developed country, democracy and quality of life.

Based on this "modern fact," this year's letter addresses the relationship between competition law and the Competition Authority and foundations, chambers, associations and unions, which are non-governmental organizations. The Letter notes the vital role that has been and will continue to be played by associations of undertakings within the context of efficient implementation and institutionalization of competition law in Turkey, and calls upon the managers of all organizations in this category to emphasize the necessity of cooperation.

All non-governmental organizations established on a mandatory or voluntary basis by natural and legal persons engaged in economic activities are characterized as associations of undertakings within the framework of the competition law. These organizations may become stakeholders who can make positive contributions to the development and adoption process of competition policy, or they can be subjects of claims of competition infringement. Therefore, it is among the fundamental duties and responsibilities of the management of associations of undertakings at every to encourage its members to act in compliance with the rules that will create the fair competition environment.

Based on the fact that the establishment and protection of a fair competition environment is a social issue, the Letter underlines the commitment of the Competition Authority to cooperate with and contribute to all activities of associations of undertakings aimed at encouraging competition. As well, it is noted that contributions/opinions are expected from associations of undertakings related to the regulations and activities of the Authority.

The goal is to reach the management or managers of all associations of undertakings established by natural and legal persons engaged in economic activity in Turkey, as well as those of all professional chambers, foundations, associations, unions and higher bodies thereof. In addition, the Competition Authority deems it extremely important to share the Letter with the public due to the fact that the subject matter affects all segments of the society and as a requirement of a transparent competition policy.

Please click here for the 2014 Competition Letter.