Turkish Competition Authority Celebrated its 15th Anniversary with the Participation of the Prime Minister Mr. R. Tayyip ERDOĞAN (27.12.2012)

Turkish Competition Authority celebrated its 15th Anniversary with the valuable participation of the Prime Minister Mr. R. Tayyip ERDOĞAN, the Minister of Customs and Trade Mr. Hayati YAZICI, the Minister of Internal Affairs Mr. İdris Naim ŞAHİN and the Ministry of Energy Mr. Taner YILDIZ as well as with many participants from political, bureaucratic and business areas and the media. 
The program started with the speeches of the President of Turkish Competition Authority Prof. Dr. Nurettin KALDIRIMCI, the Minister of Customs and Trade Mr. Hayati YAZICI and the Prime Minister Mr. R. Tayyip ERDOĞAN, respectively. Afterwards, the Competition Report by the Authority, which analyses certain sectors, was introduced and it was evaluated by academics. The program ended with a reception and a ceremony, where the professional personnel who has just assumed the title of "competition expert" was submitted their seals. 

Click for the speech of the Prime Minister R. Tayyip ERDOĞAN (Turkish version only).
Click for the speech of the Minister of Customs and Trade Hayati YAZICI (Turkish version only).
Click for the opening speech of the President of Turkish Competition Authority Prof. Dr. Nurettin KALDIRIMCI (Turkish version only).

Photos from the 15th Anniversary Symposium