The investigation conducted about Turkish Pharmacists’ Association concluded (29.1.2021)

The investigation conducted about the claim that Turkish Pharmacists’ Association violated Article 4 of the Act no 4054 with its various practices towards some pharmacists and providers was concluded.

As a result of the discussion of the file by the Competition Board on 07.01.2021, it was decided that Turkish Pharmacists’ Association violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 through decisions and practices having collective boycott nature towards provider companies, therefore, pursuant to article 16 of the same Act, administrative fines would be imposed to the said association of undertakings.

Click for the pronouncement of the decision dated 07.01.2021 and no 21-01 / 19-9, the reasoned decision of which will be notified later. Judicial review is possible at Ankara Administrative Courts.