The Board Decision concerning the Investigation about Yemek Sepeti Elektronik İletişim Perakende Gıda Lojistik AŞ (Yemek Sepeti) (28.01.2021) (12.9.2022)

In the investigation by the Competition Board (the Board) concerning the claim that Yemek Sepeti Elektronik İletişim Perakende Gıda Lojistik AŞ (Yemek Sepeti) abused its dominant position, Yemek Sepeti made a request to offer commitments while the investigation period was ongoing. As a result of the commitment discussions made thereupon, the final draft commitment text was found sufficient for solving the competition problems. With the Board decision dated 28.01.2021 and numbered 21-05/64-28 those commitments were made binding and it was decided that the investigation about the relevant party would be terminated. In the decision, briefly, Yemek Sepeti offers the commitments that narrow most favored customer clause, obligatory minimum cart amount and obligatory joker practice will be ended and valet pricing policy will continue in a way to cover the relevant cost items.
Click here for the text of the decision dated 28.01.2021 and numbered 21-05/64-28