Television Broadcasting Sector within the Context of Digitalization and Convergence Study Report (12.5.2017)

In connection with technological developments and the convergence process, television broadcasting sector is quickly changing and transforming. Indeed, the definition of broadcasting as content distribution from a single point to multiple people has become somewhat insufficient to cover all of the features of the sector. As a matter of fact, the digitalization of the content, the trend towards IP-based networks, the spread of high-speed broadband access, and the development of 3G and 4G technologies altering the traditional structure in which infrastructure provided a single type of service have had significant effects on both the broadcasting sector and the actors operating at various levels of this sector, as well as on the consumers.

As a result of technological developments and convergence, the broadcasting sector have become more competitive in certain aspects, while new bottlenecks and competitive issues have come to the fore. In consideration of the above, Competition Authority has decided to conduct a sector study into the broadcasting sector in order to determine how the sector was reshaped by the technological developments and the convergence process; to identify the competition problems encountered by current and potential sector actors, including actual circumstances and legal regulations which create barriers to entry, potential bottlenecks at various levels of the value chain and the identification of the relevant product markets; and to prepare remedies for these problems and establish trends and expectations,

Please click here for the report (in Turkish).