Sector Inquiry about Red Meat Sector Initiated. (6.12.2023)

Red meat sector is one of the main areas which Competition Authority scrutinizes due to the importance of red meat in nutrition and the structure of the market.  The Authority made one investigation and two preliminary inquiries into the sector in the last two years. 

As a result of the investigation, which was initiated in response to the claim that an undertaking operating in animal husbandry as well as the sale of meat and meat products determined the shelf prices of retailers and which ended with settlement, it was decided that the undertaking violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition (the Act no 4054) by means of resale price maintenance and the said undertaking would be imposed administrative fines. 


The focus of preliminary inquiries which were made upon the price increases and supply problems in red meat, is the claim that undertakings and associations of undertakings in the sector violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 by means of agreements and/or decisions of associations of undertakings restricting competition. As a result of the preliminary inquiries, it has been concluded that the recent increases in red meat prices are the result of certain structural problems in the overall sector rather than anticompetitive practices.


Within this framework, a sector inquiry into the red meat sector has been initiated in order to analyze the market dynamics in detail, to detect the structural problems encountered by market players, to suggest solutions for the said problems and to develop competition policy recommendations for improving the competition conditions in the market. 


Respectfully submitted for the information of the public.