Press Release Concerning the News Item Titled "Competition Board Fines UN Ro-Ro" (27.12.2012)

On September 26, 2012, a news item with the title "Competition Board Fines UN Ro-Ro" has appeared on some media outlets. Due to certain errors in the content of this news item, it has become necessary to make an announcement in order to provide the public with the correct information. 

As in all investigations concluded by the Competition Board to date, a hearing was held in the investigation on Un Ro-Ro İşletmeleri A.Ş. before the final decision (on September 25, 2012) as well.  Final decision in the investigation has not yet been taken and it will be announced to the relevant party and the public on October 5, 2012. Therefore, as of September 25, 2012, no decision has been taken concerning the aforementioned undertaking within the scope of the relevant investigation.

Respectfully submitted for the information of the public.