President Torlak Speaks at Wednesday Seminar at Personal Data Protection Authority (29.5.2019)

* There is a strong relationship between competition law and the protection of personal data.

* Economies are moving towards physical places to virtual environment. Competition authorities take measures at macro levels for protecting consumers.

* Big data brings big power. In this framework there are serious issues concerning competition law.

President of the Competition Authority Prof. Dr. Ömer Torlak delivered a speech on “Digital Economy, Big Data and Competition” at traditional “Wednesday Seminar” organized by Personal Data Protection Authority (KVKK), where the President of KVKK Prof. Dr. Faruk Bilir, managers and personnel of the two authorities as well as participants from other institutions attended.

Torlak noted that there is a strong relationship between competition law and personal data protection and they will further the cooperation with KVKK.

Emphasizing that economies are moving towards physical places to virtual environment recently and competition authorities take measures at macro levels for protecting consumers, Torlak stated that they are assessing outstanding issues regarding competition law under the scope of anticompetitive agreements, merger-acquisition files and abuse of dominant position. “Holding a dominant position in the market is not anticompetitive, but abusing the dominant position is. Competition in the relevant market should not be restricted via mergers or acquisitions,” said Torlak.

President Torlak also pointed out that important elements of conventional economies such as capital power, raw material sources and physical places are not subjects of digital economies and gives examples: “Uber, one of the leading companies of digital economy, is the biggest taxi company although it does not own any taxis. Facebook, which uses the digital footprints we give, is the most popular social media and does not produce any content. Amazon is the most valuable retailer without fixed investment; Airbnb is the biggest accommodation provider without owning any real estates. In the future, the number of digital economies will increase.”

Torlak highlighted that using artificial mind with big data and algorithms is inevitable; the transformation of markets should be guided according to consumer demand. Torlak also stated that the regulations to be made should be efficient, proportional, consistent and flexible and added that Capacity building is necessary for big data analysis and practice.  They attach importance to strengthening end users and increasing awareness for seeking rights.

President of KVKK Prof. Dr. Faruk Bilir made a brief opening speech before Mr. Torlak’s speech and stated that the seminar is the first event of the cooperation between the two institutions and mutual work will continue.

After the conference, Prof. Dr. Faruk Bilir presented a gift to Prof. Dr. Ömer Torlak in remembrance of the event.