Participation in webinar (21.2.2025)

The web seminar titled The Synergies Between Unilateral Conduct Enforcement and Merger Review was held on 20.02.2025, coordinated by the Turkish Competition Authority on behalf of ICN Unilateral Conduct Working Group co-chaired by Brazil, Spain, Sweden and Türkiye.

Moderated by Prof. Zafer KAHRAMAN, Director of the Competition Law Practice and Research Center at Bahçeşehir University, the web seminar was attended these speakers from ICN Members:

  • Ms. Hara Nikolopoulou, Vice President, Hellenic Competition Commission
  • Ms. Lourdes Dacosta, Acting Senior Policy Advisor, Mergers and Monopolistic Practices Branch, Canadian Competition Bureau
  • Mr. Joshua Omollo, Senior Investigations Officer, Enforcement and Compliance, Competition Authority of Kenya
  • Ms. Ivana Rakic, PhD, Head of Concentration Assessment Division and Ms. Gordana Lukic, Head of Legal Affairs, Domestic and International Cooperation Division, Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition
  • Mr. Giorgi Kedelidze, Head of the Strategic Markets Monitoring Department, Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency
  • Mr. Pedro Hinojo González, Head of the Information Society Unit, Spain's National Authority for Markets and Competition
  • Dr. Mihai Buşu, Member, Chief Economist team, Romanian Competition Council

During the web seminar, coincidences in the analysis of acquisitions and unilateral conduct in order to make enforcement more efficient, were discussed.