Motion Picture Services Market Examination Launched (26.2.2014)

With the Competition Board decision dated 17.11.2011 and numbered 11-57/1473-539, the merger between two movie theater chains with significant shares in the Turkish motion picture services market was authorized, provided that a number of commitments were fulfilled (The AFM/Mars Decision). In addition there is a chance that the digitalization process we are witnessing in the motion picture industry in Turkey will affect and transform the competitive conditions in the market.

It was decided to launch a market examination concerning the motion picture services market, in order to identify the effects of the AFM/Mars merger and the commitments undertaken within the framework of that merger on the competitive dynamics of the market as well as to determine the potential competitive problems which may arise as a result of the digitalization process in the market, and in order to generate and share with the public competition policy suggestions which are in line with the structure of the market.

During the market examination process to be conducted within the scope of Competition Authority's advocacy activities, all stakeholders in the sector will be able to communicate all of their opinions and suggestions with the Turkish Competition Authority through the contact information provided on our official website or through the e-mail addresses below. Since all opinions and suggestions provided to the Authority may be published on the Authority website, those who wish to remain anonymous must submit their requests to that effect together with their opinions and suggestions.

Kerem TOMUR :
Mustafa SOYDAN :