Investigation on Konya Association of Goldsmiths and Jewelers Concluded (21.2.2013)

The İnvestigation conducted in order to determine whether Konya Association of Goldsmiths and Jewelers (Association) violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition by fixing sale and repair prices for gold wares and jewelry and by introducing restriction on sales/marketing activities such as advertisements and promotions has been concluded.

The investigation was initiated as a result of the preliminary inquiry opened in response to the application claiming that businesses were prevented from making sales at prices below those determined by the Association and fines were imposed on businesses selling at low prices. During the investigation phase, it was examined whether the Association fixed sales and repair prices for gold as well as sale and marketing conditions outside of the market.

As a result of the examination of the file by the Competition Board on 14.02.2013, it was unanimously decided that the Association violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 by fixing purchase, sale and repair prices for gold as well as elements of economic and commercial activity such as sale and marketing terms outside of the market, and that an administrative fine of TL 7,215.47 should be imposed on the Association in accordance with article 16 of the same Act and the "Regulation on Fines to Apply in Cases of Agreements, Concerted Practices and Decisions Limiting Competition, and Abuse of Dominant Position."

Click here for the text of the pronouncement (in Turkish) dated 14.02.2013 and numbered 13-10/152-75, the reasoned decision for which will be notified later and which can be appealed before Ankara Administrative Courts.