Investigation on Google Reklamcılık ve Pazarlama Ltd. Şti., Google International LLC, Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited and Alphabet Inc. Concluded (14.4.2021) (10.7.2023)

The investigation conducted in order to determine whether the economic entity comprised of Google Reklamcılık ve Pazarlama Ltd. Şti., Google International LLC, Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited and Alphabet Inc. (Google) violated the Act no 4054 by abusing its dominant position in the general search services market to highlight its own local search and accommodation price comparison services, foreclosing its competitors.
As a result of the discussion of the file by the Competition Board on 08.04.2021, it was decided that Google violated article 6 of the Act no 4054, and therefore Google Reklamcılık ve Pazarlama Ltd. Şti., Google International LLC, Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited and Alphabet Inc., shall be imposed 296.084.899,49 TL administrative fines severally under article 16 of the same Act.
Competition Board also decided to impose obligations on Google to ensure the termination of the violation and the establishment of effective competition in the market.
Click here for the text of the decision dated 08.04.2021 and numbered 21-20/248-105.