Investigation Launched on Mars Entertainment Group AŞ (MARS) and Cj Enm Medya Film Yapım ve Dağıtım AŞ (CJ ENM). (16.9.2024)

With the Competition Board (Board) decision dated 27.06.2024 and numbered 24-27/656-M, a preliminary inquiry was launched under Article 40.1 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition, with relation to the allegation that MARS violated Article 6 of the same Act by abusing the dominant position it held in the movie showing services market in the production and distribution services market.

Within the framework of the information and documents acquired during the preliminary inquiry process, the Board determined that the findings were significant and sufficient in its meeting of 22.08.2024, and launched an investigation on MARS and CJ ENM with the decision numbered 24-34/822-M.