Investigation concerning OSEM Sertifikasyon A.Ş. and Insurance Association of Turkey Initiated (18.9.2019)

The Competition Board concluded the preliminary inquiry conducted in response to the claims that OSEM Sertifikasyon A.Ş.’s practices related to standard setting and certification for repair centers and original equivalent part suppliers as well as practices concerning bulk spare part purchase restricted competition and damage management system called Osem Portal would make competition sensitive information transparent.

After discussing the information, documents acquired and observations made in the preliminary inquiry in its meeting of 29.08.2019, the Board concluded that the findings were significant and sufficient, and took the decision no 19-30/453-M to initiate an investigation about the following undertakings whether they violated article 4 of the Act no 4054:

  • OSEM Sertifikasyon A.Ş.
  • Insurance Association of Turkey

*Investigation decisions taken by the Competition Board are announced to the public following the notification of the decision to the undertakings or associations of undertakings about which an investigation has been initiated. Those announcements are made within the framework of informing the public about the decisions of the Competition Board and cannot be interpreted to mean that the undertakings or associations of undertakings about which an investigation has been initiated have violated the Act no. 4054, or they are or will be subject to penal sanctions under the Act.