Investigation concerning Allergan İlaçları Tic. AŞ Concluded (19.9.2022) (21.9.2022)

The investigation conducted pursuant to the Competition Board decision dated 28.10.2021 and numbered 21-53/732 upon the annulment of the Competition Board decision dated 03.01.2013 and numbered 13-01/3-3 by the decision of the Ankara 10th Administrative Court dated 22.09.2021 and numbered 2021/961 E., 2021/1452 K. was concluded.


As a result of the discussion of the file on 08.09.2022 by the Competition Board, it has been decided that Allergan İlaçları Tic. AŞ has not violated the Act no 4054; therefore, it is not necessary to impose administrative fines to the undertaking in question.


Click here for the text of the pronouncement of the decision dated 08.09.2022 and numbered 22-41/594-248, the reason for which will be notified later and which can be appealed before Ankara Administrative Courts.