Investigation about Erba Karavan Sanayi ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Concluded (1.8.2024)

With the Competition Board decision dated 13.04.2023 and numbered 23-18/331-M, it was decided that a preliminary inquiry would be made about Erba Karavan Sanayi ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. (ERBA KARAVAN) to determine whether ERBA KARAVAN violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition in terms of the claims regarding resale price maintenance and restriction of regions and customers imposed on its resellers.

Within the framework of the information and documents obtained and examinations made during the preliminary inquiry process, it was concluded that ERBA KARAVAN intervened in the freedom of its resellers working under dealership contract to set prices and some of the provisions in the contracts made with its dealers had the nature of region and customer restrictions; thus, with the Board decision dated 28.03.2024 and numbered 24-15/311-M, it was decided that an investigation shall be opened per article 41 of the Act no 4054 to determine whether the undertaking violated article 4 of the same Act.

At the investigation stage, ERBA KARAVAN made settlement and commitment applications. Within this framework, it has been decided 

  • With the Board decision dated 16.06.2024 and numbered 24-26/633-264 that the investigation shall be concluded with settlement in terms of resale price maintenance claims and the undertaking shall be imposed 2.269.283,15 TL administrative fines, 
  • With the Board decision dated 25.07.2024 and numbered 24-31/720-303 that the commitment text submitted by the undertaking related to the claims of region and customer restriction imposed on resellers shall be accepted and made binding, and the investigation shall be ended in terms of the relevant claim.