The investigation conducted to decide whether Akdeniz Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş., CK Akdeniz Elektrik Perakende Satış A.Ş. and Ak Den Enerji Dağıtım ve Perakende Satış Hizmetleri A.Ş. violated article 6 of the Act No. 4054 was concluded.
As a result of the discussion of the contents of the file on 20.02.2018, the Competition Board decided that Akdeniz Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. and CK Akdeniz Elektrik Perakende Satış A.Ş violated article 6 of the Act no 4054; thus the said undertakings shall be imposed administrative fines according to article 16 of the same Act; however, AK DEN Enerji Dağıtım ve Perakende Satış Hizmetleri A.Ş. did not violate article 6 of the same Act; therefore, it was not necessary to impose administrative fines to the said undertaking.
Click here for the text of the pronouncement (in Turkish) dated 20.02.2018 and numbered 18-06/101-52 the reasoned decision for which will be notified later and which can be appealed before Ankara Administrative Courts.