International Workshop on Competition Law and Policy organized in Istanbul (12.12.2013)

Workshop on Competition Law and Policy, which was organized by the Competition Authority with the participation of more than fifty representatives from competition authorities of thirty countries that are the members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) started with the opening remarks by Prof. Nurettin KALDIRIMCI, the President of the Competition Authority and by Prof. Nazım EKREN, former Deputy Prime Minister and the President of Istanbul Trade University.

The workshop lasted two days on December 9-10, 2013. The first two sessions were devoted to the topics "Poverty reduction/economic development and the role of competition policy in OIC Member States" and "Enforcement of anti-cartel provisions: Procedural aspects of anti-cartel enforcement and leniency provisions in OIC Member States".

At the discussions which involved presentations by the representatives of member countries, the critical role of competition policy together with other economy policies in poverty reduction and economic development was emphasized. The place of leniency policies that are one of the most important tools in fighting cartels in member countries was also a remarkable topic.

On the second and last day of the workshop, there were discussions on the topics "Abuse of Dominance: Key issues and Experience of OIC Member States" and Competition advocacy: "Possible ways to increase visibility of and awareness about the competition authorities and competition law enforcement in OIC Member States".