Frito Lay Under Investigation. Is Frito Lay Excluding Rivals? (13.5.2024)

An investigation has been launched on Frito Lay Gıda San. ve Tic. AŞ to determine if the undertaking violated the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition by obstructing the activities of its competitors in the packaged chips sector, preventing the sales of its competitors and excluding its rivals from the market.

Frito Lay is active in Türkiye with the Lays, Ruffles, Doritos, Cheetos and Çerezza brands in the packaged chips sector, and with the Rocco brand in the confectionary market. Frito Lay is also under the same group with Pepsi Cola Servis ve Dağıtım Ltd. Şti. in Türkiye, which is active with the brands Pepsi, Lipton Ice Tea, Yedigün, Fruko, 7UP and Tropicana.

Competition Board had launched a preliminary inquiry on Frito Lay in February. As a result of the preliminary inquiry conducted, an investigation has been launched on the company due to suspicions being raised suggesting that Frito Lay or its distributors, depending on the case, engaged in practices to prevent the sales of its competitors to those outlets which purchased packaged chips from the company. Examples to such practices are

  • Completely terminating competitors’ activities in outlets such as groceries and kiosks,
  • Preventing easy visibility of competing products for consumers at final outlets,
  • Removing all or some of the stands with competing chips from final outlets, and
  • Concluding verbal exclusive selling agreements with final outlets.