"Discussion Paper on the Thresholds Included in the Communiqué Concerning the Mergers and Acquisitions Calling for the Authorization of the Competition Board, No:2010/4" Was Opened for Public Opinion (27.12.2012)

As known, the Communiqué Concerning the Mergers and Acquisitions Calling for the Authorization of the Competition Board, No:2010/4 which entered into force in 2011 in relation to the control of mergers and acquisitions introduced some amendments to the regime adopted with the Communiqué no 1997/1. The efficiency of the threshold system adopted with the amendments made was evaluated within the framework of the Competition Board decisions in a discussion paper. It is proposed that some amendments be made to the Communiqué no 2010/4 if they are deemed to be necessary in light of the conclusions reached as a result of the aforementioned study.

You can submit your opinions and assessments concerning the issues included in the discussion paper as well as concerning the Communiqué in general to
duzenleme@rekabet.gov.tr until 21.09.2012. 

Please click here for the discussion paper (in Turkish).

Note: Please state your name/title and communication information in your opinions and include “2010/4 Tartışma Metni (2010/4 Discussion Paper)” in the subject line of your e-mails.