Cooperation Protocol signed between Energy Market Regulatory Authority and Turkish Competition Authority (2.2.2015)

As known, within the scope of the Act no 4646 on Natural Gas Market, the Act no 5015 on Petroleum Market, the Act no 5307 on Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) Market, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) and within the scope of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition, the Competition Authority has duties and powers for the functioning of markets for electricity, natural gas, petroleum and liquefied petroleum gases in a competitive environment.

Within this framework, a Cooperation Protocol was prepared in order to ensure cooperation, exchange of information and giving opinions as well as coordination about the establishment, development and protection of a free and sound competitive environment in energy markets within the scope of the Acts for which the Competition Authority and Energy Market Regulatory Authority is competent.

The said Protocol regulates in particular "Information Exchange", "Cooperation" and "Coordination" between the Competition Authority and Energy Market Regulatory Authority. Accordingly, with respect to the establishment, development and protection of competition in energy markets the following points are envisaged: sharing information, documents and opinions; giving information and making cooperation about the activities and projects planned or already in progress; ensuring coordination, information exchange and cooperation by means of the Coordination Committee to be established with the participation of the personnel from both Authorities.

The said protocol was signed by the Presidents of the Authorities and put into effect on January 28, 2015

Click here for the Protocol (in Turkish)