Competition Board Completed the Electricity Wholesale Market and Retail Market Sector Inquiry (2.2.2015)

Turkish electricity market is going through a difficult liberalization process towards a competitive market. This process, which picked up speed in 2001 with the entry into force of the Electricity Market Law no 4628, has moved to another stage with the Electricity Market Law no 6446 that was put into force in 2013.

To help achieve the goal of a competitive market design, Competition Board conducted a sector inquiry into the wholesale and retail electricity markets in order to make contributions to policy-makers on important subjects in the liberalization process, to provide guidance to undertakings operating in the sector, and to lay the groundwork for the creation of an efficient competition policy specific to the electricity market.

The inquiry deals with the subjects of market power, market monitoring, transparency and vertical integration for the wholesale markets, and the position of incumbent distribution and supply companies in the liberalization process, ensuring consumer awareness and final consumer pricing for the retail markets. The Sector Inquiry Report, which will not be binding for the Competition Authority in terms of the decisions it will take under the scope of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition, will hopefully contribute to the steps intended to increase competition in the electricity wholesale and retail markets.

Please click here for the Executive Summary of the Electricity Wholesale Market and Retail Market Sector Inquiry.