Competition Authority Cement Sector Report Published (15.11.2016)

As is known, the Turkish economy’s high rate of growth in recent years allowed it to become one of the largest twenty economies of the world, with the construction sector constituting one of the fundamental dynamics of this growth. During this growth process displayed by the construction sector, Competition Board conducted some examinations in relation to the cement product, which is one of the fundamental inputs of the sector, and found that there were significant problems in the market in question and this situation had some negative effects on the construction sector in Turkey. Within this framework, it was observed that despite the examinations conducted and administrative fines imposed on the cement producers, the number of complaints concerning this sector showed a tendency to increase in the recent years.

In that context, the sector examination launched by the Competition Authority in order to determine the sources of the competitive problems in the cement sector and to develop structural or behavioral solutions for those problems has been concluded.

The report was prepared within the framework of the Authority’s competition advocacy efforts, and includes general information on the cement sector as well as four chapters concerning the practices of the Competition Authority and the economic analyses in relation to the sector.

Please click here for the text of the Report (in Turkish).