An investigation opened concerning 9 firms operating in the waste paper market (27.12.2012)

In the Competition Board meeting of 24.04.2012,  with the decision numbered 12-21/560-M, it was decided that  an investigation should be initiated on the following firms operating in the waste paper collection and recycling business , in response to the claim that, following the practice of requiring a letter of consent from any three waste paper recycling firm before allowing a firm to export waste paper, some larger recycling firms which are members of the Pulp and Paper Industry Foundation pressured smaller recycling firms not to give consent to waste paper exports and thereby complicating the activities of those collection firms wishing to export paper and violating competition in the market for waste paper collection: 

      -Atkasan Atık Değerlendirme San. ve Tic. A.Ş.,
      -Dönkasan Dönüşen Kağıt Hammaddeleri San. ve Tic. A.Ş.,
      -Halkalı Kağıt, Karton San. ve Tic. A.Ş.,
      -Kahramanmaraş Kağıt San. ve Tic. A.Ş.,
      -Kartonsan Karton San. ve Tic. A.Ş.,
      -Marmara Kağıt ve Ambalaj San. ve Tic. A.Ş.,
      -Modern Karton San. ve Tic. A.Ş.,
      -Olmuksa International Paper-Sabancı Amb. San. A.Ş.,
      -Selkasan Kağıt ve Pak. Malz. İmalatı San. ve Tic. A.Ş.

Article 4 of the Act no 4054 prohibits all anti-competitive agreements and concerted practices between undertakings. The investigation was started in order to determine whether the above-mentioned nine undertakings violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 by acting jointly concerning the certification to be issued to those collection firms which wish to export waste paper in accordance with the conditions introduced with the regulation of waste paper exports, and by coordinating in order to maintain paper and waste paper prices.

*Investigation decisions taken by the Competition Board are announced to the public following the notification of the decision to the undertakings or associations of undertakings under investigation. These declarations, which are made within the framework of informing the public on Competition Board decisions, can not be interpreted to mean the undertakings or associations of undertakings under investigation have violated the Act no 4054 and that they have faced or will face sanctions under the Act.