Amended Guidelines for Mergers and Acquisitions Published (30.5.2013)

As known, with the Communiqué no 2012/3, published in the Official Gazette dated 29.12.2012 and numbered 28512, article 7 of the Communiqué Concerning the Mergers and Acquisitions Calling for the Authorization of the Competition Board No:2010/4 concerning merger and acquisition transactions subject to authorization was amended, effective as of February 1, 2013. With this regulation, among the thresholds under the scope of the Communiqué no 2010/4, the first one in relation to the domestic turnover is left unaffected, while the national turnover threshold of TL 5 million, set for the second threshold system which also takes global turnover into account, was raised to TL 30 million. The regulation also revoked the previous exceptions in the Communiqué no 2010/4 in relation to the affected market.

Within this context, the "Guidelines on Relevant Undertakings, Turnovers and Ancillary Restrictions in Mergers and Acquisitions" which was issued on the subjects of relevant undertaking and transaction party concepts as well as the calculation of turnover thresholds and ancillary restrictions included in the Communiqué no 2010/4 was also reviewed to include the amendments, and the amended version of the Guidelines was approved by the Board and published.

Please click here for the Guidelines (Turkish version).