A cooperation protocol signed between the Competition Authority and the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (27.12.2012)

A Cooperation and Information Exchange Protocol Was signed between the Turkish Competition Authority and the banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA). Delegations led by the BRSA President Mukim Öztekin and the Competition Authority President Prof. Dr. Nurettin Kaldırımcı held a meeting for the signing ceremony. Prof. Dr. Kaldırımcı, taking the floor during the signing ceremony, stated that following the "Institutionalization of Competition Advocacy" symposium, held on April 30, 2010 in İstanbul with the participation of Regulatory and Supervisory Agencies, cooperative relationships were developed with some of these agencies; and that, within this framework, the goal was to establish a voluntary cooperation with the BRSA, with an aim to increase the exchange of common experiences. BRSA President Mukim Öztekin pointed out that cooperation with the Competition Authority, which has an experience of 12 years, would create synergies for both agencies.

According to the text of the protocol prepared, Competition Authority and BRSA will be able to exchange information concerning those subjects and developments which are important for the establishment and protection of a competitive environment in the financial sector, they will be able to hold assessment meetings, and they will be able to share final decisions in supervision, examination, inquiry or investigation processes for those subjects which fall under the jurisdiction of the other party.

Click here for the text of the Cooperation and Information Exchange Protocol (in Turkish).