2011 Competition Letter by the President of the Competition Authority Prof.Dr.Nurettin Kaldırımcı (27.12.2012)

The third of the competition letters, signed by Prof. Dr. Nurettin Kaldırımcı, has been published.

The 2011 Competition Letter essentially focuses on the relationship between competitive power and competitive environment and highlights that the purpose is to improve the competitive power of all of our businesses by complying with the rules of competitive environment or with competition law. The Letter also points out that an undertaking or a sector with high competitive power in domestic markets will also succeed in foreign markets. Furthermore, the 2011 Letter, which focuses on the fact that a competitive order will constitute the basis of a robust economy and social welfare, states that the rules of fair competition must be seen as a "sine qua non" requirement of lasting and genuine competitive power.
The Letter broadly discusses some expectations and suggestions for all undertakings, small and big alike, to comply with competition law and to succeed in a competitive environment. On top of these expectations and suggestions is that all undertakings must at least be sensitive in this respect and if possible prepare and put in practice programs for compliance with competition law. In order to guide our undertakings, suggestions were made regarding the principles and tenets of an effective compliance program and regarding implementation. A "check list" by which every undertaking will be able to evaluate its position with respect to competition law is given in the relevant section of the letter. The full text of the letter is available on our website. 

Hoping that our letter and our concrete suggestions and expectations in this framework will be taken into account especially by executives of undertakings, we submit the 2011 Competition Letter to public notice.

Please click here to access the Competition Letter of 2011.