Turkish Competition Authority s 2012 Competition Letter was published (27.12.2012)

Fourth Competition Letter was published with the signature of the President of Turkish Competition Authority Prof. Dr. Nurettin KALDIRIMCI.

The main theme of 2012 Competition Letter is "public policies and practices which negatively affect competition in the markets." Therefore, necessary actions are being taken for sending the letter particularly to the government and to the agencies and institutions of the central administration such as the Prime Ministry, ministries, directorates-general, head offices etc. and to all managers working in the bodies of the local administration such as governor's office, district governor's office and municipality. The main addressees of the letter are public administrators working in political and bureaucratic area. However, according to Turkish Competition Authority, it is very important that the letter be shared with the public as a requirement of a transparent public policy as the issues in the letter concern the society as a whole.

The letter emphasizes that the success of a market economy depends on "the scope of economic freedoms provided to citizens" and "global competitive power". The letter, which evaluates the reasons for public interventions and their effects on markets, calls attention to the duties and responsibilities of public administration for a more competitive economic structure.

The letter defines public intervention in a broad sense: The state, sometimes for social purposes and sometimes in order to eliminate inefficiencies stemming from market failures, may make regulations and take measures that affect economic life.  In addition, the state maintains a presence in the markets as a significant seller or buyer through public economic enterprises and holds the status of the largest buyer in the economy due to public procurements. There is a direct relationship between the presence of the state in the economic life as a regulator and as a player and the efficient functioning of these markets. Therefore it is inevitable that enforcement and regulation by the public sector have direct effects on competition in markets.  According to the letter, this is a clear indication how important the role of the state is for the development of a competitive economy at the same time. Consequently, it is stated in the letter that increasing the awareness of the public sector about competitive understanding and practices is critical for the development of ownership, trade, enterprise and competition freedom. Moreover, Prof. Dr. Kaldırımcı particularly points out to the global indicators showing that  individual welfare level increases as the economic freedom level improves. 

The letter underlines the requirement for an integrated public administration understanding that clears the way for economic freedom and contribute to the competitive power of the country. From this perspective, the letter considers all public agencies and institutions as shareholders of Turkish Competition Authority, which endeavors for protecting and improving competitive markets.

We share 2012 Competition Letter with the public with the hope that especially public administrators will consider the findings, recommendations and expectations of the Competition Authority.

Click for 2012 Competition Letter.